专辑介绍: |
唱片名称:天使之音 3
英文名称:Angel voices 3
01. Saviour’s Day - 救主之日
02. Walking In The Air - 空中漫步
03. In Dulci Jublio - 欢欣庆祝
04. White Chirstmas - 银色圣诞
05. O Come Alll Ye Faithful - 来吧,所有的信徒
06. Away In A Manger - 在某处的一个马槽中
07. God Rest You Merry Gentleman - 喜乐的善民,愿上帝赐你们平安
08. In The Bleak Mid Winter - 在这萧瑟的冬季
09. Mistletoe And Wine - 槲寄生与酒
10. O Little Town Of Bethlehem - 小城伯利恒
11. The Holly And The Ivy - 冬青树与长春藤
12. Once In Royal David’s City - 回到大卫王的城堡
13. The Christmas Song - 圣诞之歌
14. The Firxt Noel - 第一个圣诞节
15. Silent Night - 平安夜
16. While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By Night - 当牧羊人在夜晚守护他们的羊群
17. Mary’s Boy Child - 圣玛莉亚的小男孩
18. Gaudete 三菱汽车广告曲
19. What A Child Is Born - 当圣婴降生
20. Do You Hear What I Hear - 你是否听见我所听到的
《Angel voices》这盘CD中,我最喜爱的是《Wwalking in the air》这一曲。音乐开始,我感受到现代气息与遐思的完美结合。第一句神秘、迷幻,轻柔无法阻挡“刚”,那是轻薄的浑厚。歌词简短,重复但活力现显。几句以后,声音渐高,终于在一处停住,那声音在高处仍甜美、圆润、纯净,在高处仍是晶莹透气的“膜”。声音处理分了工,每句尾音极小极沙、淡而悠长,又不拖泥带水。渐渐地,鼓点坚强、令人惊异的高潮已开始,一种能慑人心肺的高潮;紧接着情绪渐急、渐烈,但不曾使轻甜、柔淡的音调零乱,仍泰然自若。我似乎感受到歌者微闭眼睛、心中跌宕起伏,完全沉浸在他诠释的天使之音中;这时的音乐渐渐轻快,愈快愈轻,很晶莹、很透亮;我似乎看到了美丽、真诚、动人含泪的目光,那目光是最好的洗礼,那音乐是最纯洁的圣水!听起来似乎有许多人,但并不曾使歌曲厚重,也不杂乱飘忽不定,是自由的、飞翔的、不受限制、翻飞自如的,整体声音浑然天成,找不到一丝瑕疵,声音似出一人之声,但显而易见不是;最后一句咋一听,极不协调:高音骤降一个八度,如正灿烂开放的烟花,蓦地凋谢,待静静听完,顿觉这是多妙的一声,是让高空初绽的玉兰,完全开放至最后一层的感觉...
附:《God Rest You Merry Gentlemen》的歌词
god rest ye merry, gentlemen,
let nothing you dismay
remember christ our saviour
was born on christmas day
to save us all from satan s power
when we were gone astray.
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!
"fear not," then said the angel
"let nothing you affright
this day is born a saviour
of a pure virgin bright
to free all those who trust in him
from satan s pow r and might"
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!
the shepherds at those tidings
rejoiced much in mind,
and left their flocks a-feeding
in tempest, storm and wind
and went to bethlehem straightaway
this blessed babe to find
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!
but when to bethlehem they came
whereat this infant lay
they found him in a manger
where oxen feed on hay
his mother mary kneeling
unto the lord did pray
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!
now to the lord sing praises
all you within this place
and with true love and brotherhood
each other now embrace
this holy tide of christmas
all others doth deface
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!
≈≈≈end≈≈≈ |