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求主掌舵 Jesus Savior,Pilot Me |
《求主掌舵 Jesus Savior,Pilot Me》 |
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主眼看顾 Precious Promise |
《主眼看顾 Precious Promise》 |
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耶稣时常同在 Jesus Is Always There |
《耶稣时常同在 Jesus Is Always There》 |
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赞美上主,全能真神 Praise to the Lord,the Almighty |
《赞美上主,全能真神 Praise to the Lord,the Almighty》 |
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上主之灵,恳求降临 Spirit of God,Descend upon My Heart |
《上主之灵,恳求降临 Spirit of God,Descend upon My Heart》 |
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警醒祷告 Christian,Seek Not Yet Repose |
《警醒祷告 Christian,Seek Not Yet Repose》 |
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你已否祷告 Do You Think to Pray |
《你已否祷告 Do You Think to Pray》 |
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我心灵得安宁 It Is Well with My Soul |
《我心灵得安宁 It Is Well with My Soul》 |
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信心使我得胜 Faith Is the Victory |
《信心使我得胜 Faith Is the Victory》 |
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必有恩惠慈爱 Surely Goodness and Mercy |
《必有恩惠慈爱 Surely Goodness and Mercy》 |
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因他活着 Because He Lives |
《因他活着 Because He Lives》 |
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要祷告交托耶稣 Take It to Jesus in Prayer |
《要祷告交托耶稣 Take It to Jesus in Prayer》 |
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恳求主教导 Prayer before Preaching |
《恳求主教导 Prayer before Preaching》 |
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主回答我所求 He Answers Every Prayer |
《主回答我所求 He Answers Every Prayer》 |
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我今永远属他 Now I Belong to Jesus |
《我今永远属他 Now I Belong to Jesus》 |
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有平安在我心 Constantly Abiding |
《有平安在我心 Constantly Abiding》 |
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为你祈求 I Am Praying for You |
《为你祈求 I Am Praying for You》 |
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他差遣虹霓和雨点 He Sends the Rainbow with the Rain |
《他差遣虹霓和雨点 He Sends the Rainbow with the Rain》 |
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神是爱 God Is Love |
《神是爱 God Is Love》 |
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先贤之信(守信歌) Faith of Our Fathers |
《先贤之信(守信歌) Faith of Our Fathers》 |
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大哉,圣哉,耶稣之名 All Hail the Power of Jesus's Name |
《大哉,圣哉,耶稣之名 All Hail the Power of Jesus's Name》 |
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天父儿女 Children of the Heavenly Father |
《天父儿女 Children of the Heavenly Father》 |
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擘开生命之饼 Break Thou the Bread of Life |
《擘开生命之饼 Break Thou the Bread of Life》 |
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主虽然 His Small Voice |
《主虽然 His Small Voice》 |
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永生神的灵 Spirit of Living God |
《永生神的灵 Spirit of Living God》 |
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愿那灵活复兴我 Holy Spirit Revive Me |
《愿那灵活复兴我 Holy Spirit Revive Me》 |
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完全的爱 O Perfect Love |
《完全的爱 O Perfect Love》 |
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爱是主题 Love Is the Theme |
《爱是主题 Love Is the Theme》 |
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主爱救我 Love Lifted Me |
《主爱救我 Love Lifted Me》 |
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神迹 It Took a Miracle |
《神迹 It Took a Miracle》 |
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求主容我与你同行 O Master,Let Me Walk with Thee |
《求主容我与你同行 O Master,Let Me Walk with Thee》 |
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天父必看顾你 God Will Take Care of You |
《天父必看顾你 God Will Take Care of You》 |
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如鹿渴慕 As the Deer |
《如鹿渴慕 As the Deer》 |
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于主同住 Abide with Thee |
《于主同住 Abide with Thee》 |
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谁顺从主耶稣 Who Is on the Lord's Side |
《谁顺从主耶稣 Who Is on the Lord's Side》 |
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靠近神的怀中 Near to the Lord's Side |
《靠近神的怀中 Near to the Lord's Side》 |
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